Tuesday, December 8, 2009

Face Class at EVFAC

I taught a Needle felting class on faces! There was 5 students, 3 of which had some beginning experience. I used a lightly needle felted wool batting as the "canvas" but, one could use recycled sweaters or blanket as well. It was a 4 hour class and could have been a bit longer. But, we did accomplish completing the basic structure of the face. I gave out a hand out on some tricks to getting facial proportions correct which should is good reference to have. Each student seemed eager to take their new friend home and embellish them at there leisure. The second photo was taken at the end of the class. The first photo is the face I needle felted and then wet felted to use as an example. I choose doing these as a relief because it seems many of the fiber arts competitions and galleries are not set up for sculpture and don't know what to do with things that don't hang on walls. So, this was an experiment to create a hanging sculpture.

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